Monday, March 8, 2004

First Love -- At Age 39!

It was raining the day I met the love of my life, and hadn't wanted to go out to pick up a friend because my car (no longer 'new') was not in good shape at all!  The driver's door wouldn't close - something to do with a broken hinge! - so I had to drive with one hand on the wheel, the other holding the door handle to keep the door from flying open!  I pulled into the train station to pick up this friend, and will never forget that all I saw in this big, brown Buick was 'his' gorgeous face, his 'sparkling' eyes ... even though he wasn't looking my way, I  had this overwhelming desire to run to him, kiss and hug him, and to never let him go!!! It felt as if a Higher Power were guiding me because everything else but my 'love' had receeded in my vision ... people walking to & from the train station, cars pulling in, etc.   What confused me was that I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THIS PERSON, WHY WAS I FEELING THIS WAY -- AS IF 'CUPID'S ARROW' HAD STRUCK ME?!? And, then in the next confusing instant I see an ugly face - like the devil - in the passenger side of this big car, got real scared, swerved my car quickly away to get out of there... and felt like a total idiot when I heard my friend's voice yelling from the back seat of this car with the 'gorgeous guy' and the devil!!!  But, I had a problem... the love of my life didn't seem to notice me (or so I thought!) until our eyes met and held in my living room -- and, even then, I wasn't sure he was actually looking into my eyes as I was his!! So I sunk to my knees behind my  former friend, to hide from the love of my life the strong 'effect' he was having over me - I had never, ever felt this way about anyone before!   On our first date, which happened a week after our locking eyes in the living room, we were both so nervous!!! He got lost picking me up, even though he had dropped my friend off a couple of times before; and I thought he had 'stood me up', started crying so much that I looked a 'fright' by the time he finally arrived ... I felt like a teenager on her 'first date', and found out later that my Sweetheart had felt the same way!!!  He was the man I had dreamed of falling in love with all my life but had never found until that fateful day...  It is now six and a half years later and, we're still so much in love that kissing in the supermarket is an everyday event...