Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My Newest Creation!

Hi everyone... Sorry it's been a long time since i've written in my journal/blog, have been so BUSY with my newest "baby," an e-zine I created which debuted on December 10, 2004 and has taken off since -- it's titled, "The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers" and has become so successful that I continually receive article, short story and poetry submissions in my inbox!! 

Also have been working on revisions to my author web site with the help of my assistant, Nancy... yep, hired myself a "virtual" assistant and I am forever in her debt for all the work she does for me!  PLUS, i have been busy submitting my own writing (poetry and short stories) for publication in various print & online magazines, and have had 2 more poems of mine published in the June 2005 issue of "The Pink Chameleon - Online magazine" (the poems can be found on my links page on my site)... I was so excited to have both poems published as one is a tribute to my beloved late grandmother, the other a tribute to both my loving parents (who have been divorced from each other over 30 years now, re-married to other's about 20 years or so...) It warmed my heart that the publisher/editor of "The Pink Chameleon" magazine published those two poems; they're titled, "Open Letter to Grandma" and "Dear Mom and Dad."

I am also currently working on a short story to submit to an anthology book for Boomer Women (my generation), and other short stories... along with my "novel-on-the-side," which i'm still working on offline!!  Stay tuned for more news on how my novel is coming along...

In-between all this, got some bad news about my stepdad... he has lung cancer and the doctor's say it's terminal so I have been calling my loving mom every single day as her heart is breaking at this awful time... Sometimes i truly wish i lived in Florida to be closer to my mom to help her out, ALL I CAN DO IS PRAY FOR MY MOM AND STEPDAD, and call my mom on the phone, as I can't ever live in FL due to my chronic pain, the humidity makes the pain worse -- Knowing that my sister and brother-in-law live close by my mom does help... please pray for my stepdad as he needs all the prayers he can get at this time.

Will write more another day... it's now 4:18 p.m. and my eyes are blurry from reading all the email submissions from my contributing authors and other writers... Hope all my dear readers are having a great day!

Rosanne,  writer/author and ezine chief editor

(a/k/a R.C.Kayla), http://www.rosannecatalano.net

"The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers" ezine



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